European Perspectives on Music Education, Volume 5. International Cooperation beschäftigt sich anlässig des 25jährigen Bestehens der European Association for Music in Schools mit der Bedeutung internationaler Kooperationen im Bereich des schulischen Musikunterrichts. Das Buch gliedert sich in drei Hauptbereiche: EAS: Ein europäisches Netzwerk für Musikunterricht Vielfältige internationaler Kooperationen Kooperation in der Praxis Zwölf Beiträge von Autoren aus fünfzehn verschiedenen Ländern reflektieren Konzepte, zeigen praktische Beispiele aus der Arbeit der European Association for Music in Schools und verschaffen Einblicke in Vereinigungen, Netzwerke und Insitutionen aus dem musikpädagogischen Umfeld. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS), this publication focuses on the nature and importance of international cooperation in music education and different types of cooperation. In includes conceptual reflections as well as practical examples from inside and outside the EAS, in Europe and beyond. The volume consists of the sections: it introduces the EAS as a European music education network, sketches the broader landscape of international cooperation in music education, and describes concrete cooperation projects in practice. European Perspectives on Music Education, Volume 5, addresses music teachers, researchers and all those interested in music education, through contributions about international cooperation in music education. Chapter are written by authors from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Greece, Kenya, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, representing international associations, networks and institutes.
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