InhaltsangabeDuring these turbulent economic times, with what could be the deepest global recession we've ever seen bearing down on us, the one thing you don't need is another book describing how we've gotten to this point. What you do need are insights into what will happen going forward and how you can use this information to protect what really matters-including the value of your home and portfolio as well as the security of your job and way of life. If that is your goal, this book is a must-read. While the concepts surrounding our current situation may be complicated, you don't need to be an economic expert to understand what's going on and what may happen next. But you do need to be prepared, and the analysis offered here can help both anxious individuals who are just starting to realize the magnitude of this event as well as those more familiar with finance get through the difficult times ahead. Over the course of the last decade, bestselling author and former investment banker John Talbott's string of accurate predictions regarding the bursting of the Internet stock and housing bubbles, the mortgage mess, and downturns in the general economy have been well documented in his numerous books including Slave Wages, The Coming Crash in the Housing Market, and Sell Now!: The End of the Housing Bubble. Now, with Contagion, he puts his reputation on the line again and boldy predicts how the current global economic crisis may change our lives for much longer than politicians care to admit. Using a much broader definition of the term "contagion"-to include financial, governmental, and societal matters-this timely book offers essential insights that investors, business executives, and concerned citizens must be aware of in order to protect themselves and their assets, companies, and lives from a prolonged and deep global recession. Page by page, Talbott explains the history behind our present economic condition and, more importantly, helps us understand where we go from here. He explains the severity of the financial and economic problems plaguing us and the reasons behind them. Talbott's analysis of the current financial crisis and its root causes extends far beyond simple subprime mortgage lending. He explains that all types of lending will be threatened in the brave new world and that the economy won't recover until banks, businesses, government, and consumers all deleverage and learn to live with less debt and less consumption. But, Talbott does not stop there. He blames deregulation for allowing the banks to do this to us, but also blames our government representatives who took campaign contributions in exchange for a laissez faire approach to market regulation. Finally, he asks each of us to reflect on the importance of materialism and consumption in trying to define and live a full and rich life.
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John R. Talbott is a bestselling author, a former investment banker for Goldman Sachs, and previously a visiting scholar at UCLA's Anderson School of Management. For the last decade he has been writing full-time as an author, publishing six books and numerous peer-reviewed academic journal articles on economics and politics. His book titles include SlaveWages, The Coming Crash in the Housing Market, Where America Went Wrong: And How to Regain Her Democratic Ideals, Sell Now!: The End of the Housing Bubble, and Obamanomics. Talbott has served as an economic adviser to a number of developing countries, including Jordan and Russia. He has appeared live on CNN, Fox News, CNNfn, CNBC, MSNBC, and CBS, and has published articles in the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Philadelphia Examiner, San Francisco Chronicle, and Financial Times.
Preface. Chapter 1. Bamboozled. Chapter 2. What Didn''t Cause the U.S. Housing Boom and Bust. Chapter 3. What Did Cause the U.S. Housing Boom and Bust. Chapter 4. The Contagion Spreads from Sub-Prime to Prime. Chapter 5. How Low Will Housing Prices Go in the U.S.? Chapter 6. The U.S. Economy Was Not in Great Shape to Begin With. Chapter 7. U.S. Enters a Long Recession. Chapter 8. The Global Economy Catches the Contagion. Chapter 9. Too Big to Fail--The $400 Trillion Derivatives Market. Chapter 10. Our Local Governments Feel the Pinch. Chapter 11. From Wall Street to Main Street. Chapter 12. Demographics Magnify Contagion. Chapter 13. Which Investments and Which Countries Will Weather the Storm the Best? Chapter 14. Stop the Bleeding. Chapter 15. No Future without Reform. Chapter 16. A Warning Shot Across Our Bow. References. About the Author. Index.