InhaltsangabeAcknowledgments vii 1 Introduction: Trajectories of the Posthuman 1 Accelerate 29 2 The Posthuman Imagination: Neuro-Diversity, Psychic Trauma, and History in the Data Feed 31 Drift 47 3 Code Drift 49 4 History Drift 60 5 Archive Drift 80 6 Screen Drift 90 7 Media Drift 97 Crash: Slow Suicide of Technological Apocalypse 109 8 After the Drones 111 9 Guardian Liberalism: Rhetoric of the "Just War" 122 Crash: Traversal Consciousness 153 10 Premonitory Thought: That Fateful Day When Power Abjected Itself 155 11 Thinking the Future with Marshall McLuhan: Technologies of Abandonment, Inertia, Disappearance, Substitution 173 12 Epilogue: Media Theory in the Data Storm 195 Notes 199 Index 207
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