The earliest educational software simply transferred print material from the page to the monitor. Since then, the Internet and other digital media have brought students an ever-expanding, low-cost knowledge base and the opportunity to interact with minds around the globewhile running the risk of shortening their attention spans, isolating them from interpersonal contact, and subjecting them to information overload.
The New Science of Learning: Cognition, Computers and Collaboration in Education deftly explores the multiple relationships found among these critical elements in students increasingly complex and multi-paced educational experience. Starting with instructors insights into the cognitive effects of digital mediaa diverse range of viewpoints with little consensusthis cutting-edge resource acknowledges the double-edged potential inherent in computer-based education and its role in shaping students thinking capabilities. Accordingly, the emphasis is on strategies that maximize the strengths and compensate for the negative aspects of digital learning, including:
Group cognition as a foundation for learning
Metacognitive control of learning and remembering
Higher education course development using open education resources
Designing a technology-oriented teacher professional development model
Supporting student collaboration with digital video tools
Teaching and learning through social annotation practices
The New Science of Learning: Cognition, Computers and Collaboration in Education brings emerging challenges and innovative ideas into sharp focus for researchers in educational psychology, instructional design, education technologies, and the learning sciences.
Cognition and New Science of Learning.- New Digital Media and Their Potential Cognitive Impact on Youth Learning.- Group Cognition as a Foundation for the New Science of Learning.- An Embodied/Grounded Cognition Perspective on Educational Technology.- Features of Computerized Multimedia Environments that Support Vicarious Learning Processes.- Human Memory and the New Science of Learning.- Metacognitive Control of Learning and Remembering.- Ethnic Differences on Students Approaches to Learning: Self-Regulatory Cognitive and Motivational Predictors of Academic Achievement for Latino/a and White College Students.- Intuitions, Conceptions and Frameworks: Modelling Student Cognition in Science Learning.- An Analysis of Design Strategies for Creating Educational Experiences in Virtual Environments.- Computers and New Science of Learning.- Redesigning Testing: Operationalizing the New Science of Learning.- Self-regulated Learning with MetaTutor: Advancing the Science of Learning with MetaCognitive Tools.- New LearningOld Methods? How E-research Might Change Technology-Enhanced Learning Research.- Designing Higher Education Courses Using Open Educational Resources.- The Evolution of an Automated Reading Strategy Tutor: From the Classroom to a Game-Enhanced Automated System.- Experiences in the Field: The Evolution of a Technology-Oriented Teacher Professional Development Model.- A Dialogic Approach to Technology-Enhanced Education for the Global Knowledge Society.- Conceptual Representation Embodied in Hypermedia: An Approach to Promoting Knowledge Co-Construction.- Virtual Worlds for Young People in a Program Context: Lessons from Four Case Studies.- New Technologies, Learning Systems, and Communication: Reducing Complexity in the Educational System.- Collaboration andNew Science of Learning.- Fostering Higher Levels of Learning Using Diverse Instructional Strategies with Internet Communication Tools.- Windows into Teaching and Learning Through Social Annotation Practices.- Orchestrating Learning in a One-to-One Technology Classroom.- Designing Online Learning Environments for Professional Development.- Knowledge Building/Knowledge Forum®: The Transformation of Classroom Discourse.- Digital Video Tools in the Classroom: How to Support Meaningful Collaboration and Critical Advanced Thinking of Students?.- Technology for Classroom Orchestration.- Knowledge Building in Society 2.0: Challenges and Opportunities.- Innovations in Culturally Based Science Education Through Partnerships and Community.- New Science of Learning: Exploring the Future of Education.