InBaby-led Weaning, leading health visitor Gill Rapley and journalist and mum Tracey Murkett introduced parents to a common sense, easy and enjoyable approach to feeding your child, allowing your baby to join in with family meals right from the start of the weaning process. NowThe Baby-led Weaning Cookbookoffers comprehensive recipes and meal plans to follow so the entire family can take part in making your child a happy and confident eater.
Full of healthy, delicious meals the whole family will enjoy, and beautifully illustrated throughout,The Baby-led Weaning Cookbookalso includes: - simple advice on how to start weaning - essential at-a-glance information on nutrition and food safety - recipes for desserts and family dinners, as well as ideas for quick snacks and lunch boxes - anecdotes and quotes from parents
The Baby-led Weaning Cookbookwill give parents the confidence to create exciting and enjoyable mealtimes, allowing their baby to develop his skills as he progresses with food.
Gill Rapley worked as a health visitor for 20 years and has also been a midwife and breastfeeding counsellor. She initiated the current trend for baby-led weaning after conducting a study as part of her MSc. She lectures widely to health visitors and midwives and launched a DVD showing parents how to introduce solids using baby-led weaning. Visit the website
Tracey Murkett is a freelance writer who used the baby-led weaning approach to introduce solid food to her own child.
An illustrated cookbook full of simple and delicious baby-led weaning recipes to share with the whole family, from the authors of Baby-led Weaning