Radical Traditionalism: The Influence of Walter Kaegi in Late Antique, Byzantine, and Medieval Studiesbrings together scholars from fields and disciplines as diverse as medieval history, Byzantine history, Roman art history, and early Islamic studies. These scholars were students of Walter Kaegi, whose work influenced them greatly. This collection offers thoughtful essays examining political culture, source criticism and institutional continuity and discontinuity in a variety of areas, as well as illustrates how one scholars influence can reach across disciplinary boundaries to shape the argumentative structures and methods of both students and scholars. Any reader interested in the formation of disciplinary schools and how the broad application of a coherent approach to sources both literary and material will find this book an innovative approach to theFestschriftgenre.
Christian Raffensperger is associate professor of history at Wittenberg University.
David Olster is professor of history at the University of Kentucky.
Chapter 1: Walter Kaegi: A Historiographic Review,David Olster
Part I: Quellenkritik
Chapter 2: Jerusalem in the Roman and Byzantine Periods in Mujir al-Dins Fifteenth-Century History of Jerusalem and Hebron,Robert Schick
Chapter 3: Logos and Ergon in the Histories of John VI Kantakouzenos,Leonidas Pittos
Chapter 4: Constans IIs Odd Speech,David Olster
Part II: Politics / Institutional
Chapter 5: Reimagining the Ties between the House of Nubel and the Donatist Church in Late Roman North Africa,Nathan Leidholm
Chapter 6: Attila, Honoria, and the Nature of Hunnic Rule,Charles W. King
Chapter 7: The Optics of Byzantine Blinding in Medieval Eastern Europe,Christian Raffensperger
Part III: Political / Cultural
Chapter 8: The character of Hincmar of Reims in four ninth-century manuscripts,Jeremy Thompson
Chapter 9: George of Pisidia and Contra Severum: Panegyric and Polemic as Sources for Interpreting Religious Policy,Daniel Larison
Chapter 10: Seminaries, Cults, and Militia in Byzantine Heresiologies: A Genealogy of the Labeling of Paulicians,Hisatsugu Kusabu
Chapter 11: Performing History at the Forum of Constantine,Galina Tirnani
Chapter 12: The Conversion of Sacrifice in Late Antique Art,Alice Christ
Epilogue: Walter Kaegi and His Legacy,David Olster and Christian Raffensperger
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