This book brings together a valuable collection of case studies and conceptual approaches that outline the present state of Amazonia in the 21st century. The many problems are described and the benefits, as well as the achievements of regional development are also discussed. The book focuses on three themes for discussion and recommendations: indigenous peoples, their home (the forest), and the way(s) to protect and sustain their natural home (biodiversity conservation). Using these three themes this volume offers a comprehensive critical review of the facts that have been the reality of Amazonia and fills a gap in the literature.The book will appeal to scholars, professors and practitioners.
An outstanding group of experienced researchers and individuals with detailed knowledge of the proposed themes have produced chapters on an array of inter-related issues to demonstrate the current situation and future prospects of Amazonia. Issues investigated and debated include: territorial management; indigenous territoriality and land demarcation; ethnodevelopment; indigenous higher education and capacity building; natural resource appropriation; food security and traditional knowledge; megadevelopmental projects; indigenous acculturation; modernization of Amazonia and its regional integration; anthropogenic interventions; protected areas and conservation; political ecology; postcolonial issues, and the sustainability of Amazonia.
Walter Leal Filho(BSc, PhD, DSc, DPhil, DL, DLitt, DEd) is Senior Professor and Head of the Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management" at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany. He is also head of the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme, and holds the Chair of Environment and Technology at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK.
Victor T. King (BA, MA, PhD, FRSA), Professor of Borneo Studies, Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam; Emeritus Professor, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds, United Kingdom; Professorial Research Associate, Centre for South East Asian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. From 2006 to 2012 he was Executive Director of the White Rose East Asia Centre, a joint venture between the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield. Prior to that he was severally Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Dean of the School of Social and Political Sciences, Director of the University Graduate School, and Director of the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hull, United Kingdom.
Ismar Borges de Lima (BA, MA, PhD, Postdoc) is a professor of the State University of Roraima (UERR, Brazil), located in the northernmost Amazonia, and he has a postdoc at the Southern Cross University (SCU, Australia) where he was also an adjunct lecturer for three years. He is a Ph.D. holder in Geography of the Waikato University, New Zealand. He has a masters degree in International Relations awarded by the International University of Japan (IUJ). Professor Lima has a vast international academic, teaching and professional experience in many countries: RNTC, in the Netherlands. UNESCAP, Thailand; IUJ in Japan, and he was a visiting professor in Ecuador (GIIPS/UTN) and in Mozambique. He is also the coordinator-in-chief of the Lab for Research on Amazonian Territorial Issues(MultiAmazon/UERR) and director in Brazil of the International Foundation for Research on Science, Nature and Tourism (RECINATUR).
Chapter 1. Overview Of The Indigenous Situation In The Pan-Amazonia: A Brief Introduction.- Part l: Indigenous Peoples In Amazonia: Territorial Context, Land Management, And Rights.- Chapter 2. A Voice In The Development Of Amazonia: The Constitutional Rights To Participation Of Indigenous Peoples.- Chapter 3. Indigenous Land Rights In Brazil: Challenges And Barriers To Land Demarcation.- Chapter 4. Reviewing Amazonian Countries Policies For The Protection Of Indigenous Peoples In Voluntary Isolation And Initial Contact (IPVIIC) And Its Implications For Territorial Dynamics And Indigenous Peoples Development In Amazonia.- Chapter 5. Indigenous Land Management, Ecological Restoration And Ethno-Ecotourism Development: The Environmental Role And Empowerment Of The Fakcha Llakta Community In Ecuador.- Chapter 6. Ecotourism In The Yanomami Land: A Proposal For Territorial Management And Indigenous Ethnodevelopment.- Chapter 7. New Territorialities And Collective Ethnic IdentitiesIn The Brazilian Amazon Frontier, Rondonia State: Surui Paiter, Arara And Gavião Indigenous Communities' Land Claims And Alternative Cultural Landscapes.- Chapter 8. The Process Of Transition And The Tourism Social Contract In Indigenous Areas: The Case Of The Nova Esperança Indigenous Community, Rio Cuieiras, Brazil.- Chapter 9. Ayahuasca Lodges In The Peruvian Amazon: A Valid Alternative For Ethnodevelopment?.- Chapter 10. Alleluia And The Akawaio: The Spiritual Geography Of A Highland Revitalization Movement.- Chapter 11. Indigenous Higher Education At Insikiran Institute Of Roraima: The Challenges Of Social Participation And The Interculturalization Of Knowledge In The Northernmost Amazonia.- Part ll: Indigenous Lands And Peoples: Conservation And Ecological Aspects.- Chapter 12. Indigenous Participation In The Native Seed Market: Adapting Ethnic Institutions For Ecological Restoration In The Southeast Amazon.- Chapter 13. Cosmology As Indigenous Land Conservation Strategy: Wildlife Consumption Taboos And Social Norms Along The Papuri River (Vaupes, Colombia).- Chapter 14. The Non-Human Borderlands: Engaging With Ecological Justice And Indigenous Rights In Amazonia.- Chapter 15. Biodiversity And Knowledge Associated With The Wapishana People's Language: An Ethnolinguistic-Territorial And Conservation Case Study In The Amazon.- Chapter 16. Amazonia: Indigenous And Environmental Setbacks In Brazil.- Chapter 17. Hydroelectric Plants Construction, Rainforest Landscape Change And Impacts On Indigenous And Traditional Groups In Amazonia: From Balbina, Tucuruí To Belo Monte Contexts.- Chapter 18. Amazonia In Transformation: The Need Of Indigenous Empowerment, Innovative Ethnodevelopment Models And Ethnic-Ecological Accountability (Final Considerations).
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