This volume examines the construct of in specific legal genres and according to the type of interaction. The aim is to achieve an expansion of the concept of , which might comprise ideational and textual issues like narrative disclosure, typography, rhetorical variation, or Plain English, among others.
Ruth Breeze has researched and published widely in the area of Discourse Analysis applied to media language and specialised discourse, focusing particularly on the field of legal English. She is Head of the Institute of Modern Languages at the University of Navarra, and a member of the GradUN Research Group in the . Maurizio Gotti is Professor of English Language and Translation, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Communication, and Director of the Research Centre for LSP Research (CERLIS) at the University of Bergamo. His main research areas are the features and origins of specialized discourse. Carmen Sancho Guinda is a senior lecturer in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where she teaches English for Academic Purposes and Professional Communication. Her research focus is the interdisciplinary analysis of academic and professional discourses and genres, and innovation in the teaching and learning of academic competencies.
«This volume is highly recommendable to both researchers and scholars working in the field of legal discourse and the interpersonal component of legal genres.» (Luz Gil-Salom, Ibérica 29/2015)
«The edited volume is a highly recommendable read for everyone with an interest in knowing the state of the art in pragmatic studies of legal communication from the point of view of genres and for everyone interested in methods relevant to Legal Linguistics.» (Jan Engberg, ESP Today, 3(2) 2015)
Contens: Carmen Sancho Guinda/Maurizio Gotti/Ruth Breeze: Framing Interpersonality in Law Contexts – Davide Mazzi: «The words are plain and clear …» On Interpersonal Positioning in the Discourse of Judicial Interpretation – Tarja Salmi-Tolonen: Interpersonality and Fundamental Rights – María Ángeles Orts Llopis: Contractual Commitment or Obligation? The Linguistic Interactions in Charter Parties – Michele Sala: Interpersonal and Interactional Markers in Legal Research Articles – Christoph A. Hafner: Stance in a Professional Legal Genre: The Barrister’s Opinion – Vijay K. Bhatia: Interpersonal Constraints in Statutory Writing – Carmen Sancho Guinda: Engagement in NTSB Decisions on Aviation Case Appeals – Christopher Williams: Interpersonality in Legislative Drafting Guides and Manuals: the Case of the Scottish Government Publication – Ignacio Vázquez-Orta: Exploring the Interplay Between Discursive and Professional Practices in Domain Name Arbitration Awards – Ismael Arinas Pellón: Interpersonal Patent Relations: Persuasion Pointers to Novelty, Creativity, and Ownership in U.S. Patent Property Claiming – Ruth Breeze: The Discursive Construction of Professional Relationships through the Legal Letter of Advice – Maurizio Gotti: Interpersonality in Mediation Discourse – Patrizia Anesa: The Realization of Interpersonality Features in Jury Instructions – Isabel Corona: The Management of Conflict: Arbitration in Corporate E-releases.