An authoritative and scientifically based collection of 18 international texts since 1960 that mirrors and analyses the principal developmental phases of design research and scientific research. The importance of the focus on pivotal texts for the design research cannot be overstated. However, while certain charismatic names come up in the discussion, the community has thus far lacked a handbook that is straightforward and accessible. Grand and Jonas have now filled this gap. Compiled on the basis of a deep and extensive knowledge of the field, their essays situate and elucidate these exciting texts and aid readers in understanding them.
Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH
De Gruyter GmbH
Im Westfeld 8
CH 4055 Basel
Grand Simon; Jonas, Wolfgang
Archer, Bruce (1995) "The Nature of Research", Co-design, interdisciplinary journal of design Findeli, Alain (2008) "Searching for Design Research Questions: Some Conceptual Clarifications", Questions & Hypotheses, DesignResearchNetwork Learning Conference Frayling, Christopher (1993) "Research in Art and Design", in Royal College of Art Research Papers, Volume 1, Number 1 Friedman, Ken (2003) "Theory construction in design research: criteria: approaches, and methods", Design Studies, Volume 24, Issue 6 Glanville, Ranulph (199x) "Re-searching Design and Designing Research", auch in Design Issues 15:2 Jones, John Christopher (o.J.) "a theory of designing", Owen, Charles (1998) "Design Research. Building the Knowledge Base", Design Studies 19, No. 1 Simon, Herbert A. (1996) "Social Planning: Designing the Evolving Artefact", Chapter 6 in ders. The Sciences of the Artificial, third edition Weaver, Warren (1948) "Science and Complexity", American Scientist, 36: 536 (1948). Based upon material presented in Chapter 1' "The Scientists Speak" Nietzsche, Friedrich (1887) „Vorrede zur zweiten Ausgabe", Abschnitt 4. in ders. „Die fröhliche Wissenschaft", zitiert nach der kritischen Ausgabe von Giorgio Colli & Mazzino Montinari Galison, Peter (1997): "Trading Zone. Coordinating Action and Belief", in: Biagioli, Mario (Ed.): The Science Studies Reader Gibbons, Michael, Limoges, Camille, Nowotny, Helga, Schwartzman, Simon, Scott, Peter & Trow, Martin (1994): "Introduction", in: ders. "The new production of knowledge" Callon, Michel (1999): "Some Elements of a Sociology of Translation", in: Biagioli, Mario (Ed.): The Science Studies Reader Knorr Cetina, Karin (1999) "What is a Laboratory?" in ders. „Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge" Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg (1997) "Chapter 1: Experimental Systems and Epistemic Things" in ders.: „Toward a History of Epistemic Things. Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube" Latour, Bruno (2004): „From Realpolitik to Dingpolitik, or How to make things public", in Latour, Bruno & Weibel, Peter (Hrsg.): „Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy" Law, John (2004): "2 Scientific Practices", in ders. "After Method: Mess in Social Science Research" Bleecker, Julian (2009): "Design Fiction: A short essay on design, science, fact and fiction", Near Future Laboratory. Dunne, Anthony (2005): "1. The Electronic as Post-optimal Object", in ders: "Hertzian Tales"