Ehrhard, Franz Karl / Maurer, Petra
Erschienen am 31.12.2013
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In den Warenkorb
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783038091196
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 666
Format (T/L/B): 29.0 x 21.0 cm


Table of Contents: Volume One Publication List of Christoph Cüppers xiii EBERHARD BERG: On the Current Revitalization of the rNying ma Tradition among the Sherpas of Nepal 1 ROLAND BIELMEIER: Das Land Marutse in den Biographien des Padmasambhava 27 KATIA BUFFETRILLE: The rTsib ri Pilgrimage: Merit as Collective Duty? 37 VOLKER CAUMANNS: Pa? chen Shakya mchog ldan’s Monastic Seat Thub bstan gSer mdog can (Part I): The History of its Foundation 65 OLAF CZAJA: Tibetan Medicinal Plants and Their Healing Potentials 89 HILDEGARD DIEMBERGER & MICHELA CLEMENTE: Royal Kinship, Patronage and the Introduction of Printing in Gung thang: From Chos kyi sgron ma to lHa btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal 119 FRANZ-KARL EHRHARD: The Royal Print of the Ma?i bka' 'bum: Its Catalogue and Colophon 143 KARL-HEINZ EVERDING: Introduction to a Research Project on Documents Issued During the Period of the Great Mongolian Empire to Tibetan Recipients 173 JÖRG HEIMBEL: The Jo gdan tshogs sde bzhi: An Investigation into the History of the Four Monastic Communities in Sakyasribhadra’s Vinaya Tradition 187 AMY HELLER: A Sculpture of Avalokitesvara Donated by the Ruler of Ya tse (Ya rtse mnga’ bdag) 243 NATHAN W. HILL: The Emergence of the Pluralis majestatis and the Relative Chronology of Old Tibetan Texts 249 TONI HUBER: The Iconography of gShen Priests in the Ethnographic Context of the Extended Eastern Himalayas, and Reflections on the Development of Bon Religion 263 DAVID P. JACKSON: Several Episodes in the Recent History of Lumbini 295 MATTHEW T. KAPSTEIN: A Fragment from a Previously Unknown Edition of the Prama?avarttika Commentary of Rgyal-tshab-rje Dar-ma-rin-chen (1364-1432) 315 LEONARD W.J. VAN DER KUIJP: Gu ge Pa? chen Grags pa rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (1415-86) on the Nyi ma'i rabs (*Suryava?sa) and the Tibetan Royal Families 325 Volume two CHRISTIAN LUCZANITS: The Buddha Beyond: Figuration in Gandharan Cult Imagery 1 DAN MARTIN: Pavements Like the Sea and the Name of the Jokhang: King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba in Lhasa? 23 KLAUS-DIETER MATHES: Clouds of Offerings to Lady g.Yang ri—A Protector Practice by the First Yol mo sprul sku Shakya bzang po (15th/16th Cent.) 37 PETRA MAURER: Pferderennen und ihre Bedeutung in Tibet 57 CHARLES RAMBLE: Both Fish and Fowl? Preliminary Reflections on Some Representations of a Tibetan Mirror-World 75 ALEXANDER VON ROSPATT: Altering the Immutable: Textual Evidence in Support of an Architectural History of the Svayambhu Caitya of Kathmandu 91 CRISTINA SCHERRER-SCHAUB: A Frontier Tale: Fragmented Historical Notes on Spiti Monasteries Documents Kept in the Museum of Lahore. Part I. 117 DIETER SCHUH: Tibetischen Inschriften ins Maul geschaut: Beobachtungen zu Stein- und Felsinschriften sowie den Schriften des 7. bis 9. Jahrhunderts in Tibet 143 PETER SCHWIEGER: A Forbidden Nepalese-Tibetan Love Affair 185 MARTA SERNESI: Rare Prints of bKa’ brgyud Texts: A Preliminary Report 191 WEIRONG SHEN: Revitalizing Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies: Some Old and New Thoughts 211 PETER SKILLING: The Samadhiraja-Sutra and its Mahasa?ghika Connections 227 PER K. SØRENSEN & FRANZ XAVER ERHARD: Tibetan Proverbial Literature: Semantics and Metaphoricity in Context 237 MANFRED G. TREU: Lak?miprasada Devako?as Essay "Auf der Sitzmatte" 253 HELGA UEBACH: The lHo-brag Cliff Inscription: An Attempt to Read it with the Help of Katia Buffetrille’s Photographs of 1988 261 ROBERTO VITALI: From Sum ru to the Great Central Asian “Sea of Sand”: Hints on the Role of the mThong khyab in the State Organisation of Dynastic Tibet 269 MICHAEL WALTER: ‘All that Glitters Is Gold’: The Place of the Yellow Metal in the Brahmanic,Scythian, and Early Buddhist Traditions 283 ZUHIO YAMAGUCHI: The Connection Between Tu-fan (??) in the First Half of the Seventh Century and Nepal 299 KODO YOTSUYA: dGe lugs pa Interpretation of Bhavaviveka’s Critique of Buddhapalita’s Argumentation of Non-Origination from Self 323