Das Objekt des Reliquienkultes
Pfister, Friedrich, Der Reliquienkult im Altertum Halbband 1 - Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten 5,1
Erschienen am
01.04.1974, 1. Auflage 1974
RGVV (History of Religion: Essays and Preliminary Studies) brings together the mutually constitutive aspects of the study of religion(s)—contextualized data, theory, and disciplinary positioning—and engages them from a critical historical perspective. The series publishes monographs and thematically focused edited volumes on specific topics and cases as well as comparative work across historical periods from the ancient world to the modern era.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
De Gruyter GmbH
Genthiner Strasse 13
DE 10785 Berlin