Volume I of Edward Sapirs Collected Works contains the reedition of Sapirs papers and reviews in general linguistics, in the philosophy of language and linguistics (the origin of language; general semantics; the construction of an international auxiliary language), as well as his articles on language and dialect written for the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. The texts have been reedited and supplied with an introductory study and notes. The introductory studies assess Sapirs contribution to the linguistic study of the various topics dealt with. Volume I also contains a reprint of retrospective appraisals of Sapirs work in general linguistics written by Zellig Harris and Stanley Newman.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
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Pierre Swiggers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Université de Liège, Belgium.
"Dans tous ses écrits, Sapir semble avoir poursuivi un but unique-, cetui de poser les fondemenis d,une approche structuraliste rigoureuse, permettant d'englober à la fois la linguistique, l'anthropologie ei les autres sciences humaines et sociales, alliant dans l'entreprise l'intelligence, l'élégance et la curiosité du renard à la patience du hérisson."Alain Rouveret in: Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique 2/2010