Der andere Blick auf Caesars Kriege
Eine narratologische Analyse der vier Supplemente im Corpus Caesarianum, Philologus. Supplemente / Philologus. Supplementary Volumes 15
Erschienen am
18.01.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
While Caesar's war monographs - the Bellum Gallicum, Books 1-7, and the so-called Bellum civile - have always been heavily researched, the same is not true of the supplementary writings that have survived in the Corpus Caesarianum. What means of representation do the authors of these texts use in their reports and to what extent do they themselves approach the reader as a narrator? What choices are made with regard to the events narrated? What is told in particular detail or briefly or not at all? How are individual events linked to form a narrative? And finally: How can the intention of the texts and their function in the historical context be reconstructed on the basis of these observations? These and similar questions have so far only been researched in rudimentary form. With its narratological approach, this monograph makes a contribution to closing the research gap in the study of the non-Caesarian writings in the corpus from a literary studies perspective.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
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Marvin Müller, Potsdam.