Under the present day's highly technological conditions, materiality in science as well as art is perceived increasingly as an agent located beyond conscious human perception in ecological, digital or neuronal environments. In this context, the term nonconscious (N. Katherine Hayles) refers to forms of computer-based experience as well as neuronal bodily processes. The contributions to this interdisciplinary publication enquire into the consequences of the nonconscious as material and imagination for aesthetic practices. In particular, they encourage new critical readings of the theory, history and practice of contemporary art oriented towards notions of reflexivity and intentionality. - Is there art without consciousness? New interpretations of the theory and history of contemporary art
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
De Gruyter GmbH
Genthiner Strasse 13
DE 10785 Berlin
Simon Baier holds the Laurenz Assistant Professorship of Contemporary Art at the University of Basel; André Rottmann is Junior Professor of Art and Media Theories at the European University Viadriana Frankfurt (Oder)