I-X -- Introduction -- PART ONE: Lithic Technology and Taxonomy -- Lithic Reduction Sequences: A Glossary and Discussion -- Lithic Technology as a Means of Processual Inference -- Idiosyncratic Behavior in Chipping Style: Some Hypotheses and Preliminary Analysis -- Graph Theoretic Analysis of Lithic Tools from Northern Chile -- "Punch Technique" and Upper Paleolithic Blades -- Plates -- PART TWO: Experimental Analysis of Toolmaking -- Comments on Lithic Technology and Experimental Archaeology -- The Experimental Study of Bipolar Flakes -- Remarks on Fragments with Languette Fractures -- Fractures for the Archaeologist -- PART THREE: Application of Analysis to Archaeology -- The Trimmed-Core Tradition in Asiatic-American Contacts -- McKean and Little Lake Technology: A Problem in Projectile Point Typology in the Great Basin of North America -- Toolmaking and Tool Use Among the Preceramic Peoples of Panama -- A Study of Cuts, Grooves, and Other Marks on Recent and Fossil Bone: II Weathering Cracks, Fractures, Splinters, and Other Similar Natural Phenomena -- PART FOUR: Discussion -- COMMENTS -- REPLIES -- Biographical Notes -- Index of Names -- Index of Subjects