Cosmic Order and Divine Power
Pseudo-Aristotle, On the Cosmos, Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia XXIII
Burri, Renate/Chandler, Clive/Daiber, Hans et al
Erschienen am
25.09.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
The treatise De mundo (On the Cosmos), dated around the 1st century BCE, offers a cosmology in the Peripatetic tradition which draws also on Platonic and Stoic thought and subordinates what happens in the cosmos to the might of an omnipotent god. Thus the work is paradigmatic for the philosophical and religious concepts of the early imperial age, which offer points of contact with nascent Christianity. In line with the aims of the SAPERE series, this volume on De mundo is explicitly interdisciplinary by nature, bringing together contributions from scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines and specialisations which focus on specific topics, each from its own disciplinary perspective. The volume contains a Greek text and translation of De mundo as well as interpretive essays on the language and style, geography, cosmotheology and the reception in or possible influence of De mundo in various intellectual traditions.
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ist Doktorandin in Klassischer Philologie an der Universität Göttingen.