The Moksopaya („way to release“) is a work with the extent of 30.000 double verses of a Kashmirian anonym from the
middle of the 10th Century. Established without referring to traditional authority it presents a unique cosmography in the Indian history of ideas. Before the discovery of the Kashmirian version, in which the original hides itself, this philosophical piece of literature was only known in India and Europe in a later version („Yogavasistha“ ) that was tendentiously changed by several insertions. While the work on the complete edition of the oldest version at the University of Halle- Wittenberg is still in progress, this volume includes some of the results from the project:
- a detailed description of the narration of the queen Lila
- a study on the fundamental philosophical ideas
- an analysis of the text history and the versions
- studies on the construction and dating
- studies on the double nature of the work as poetry (kavya) and philosophical paper (sastra)
- on its social and religious context.