Devonian bryozoans from North Africa are scarcely known. The present study is devoted to the investigation of bryozoan fauna and microfacies of the Middle Devonian reef complex in Western Sahara, Morocco. In total, 26 bryozoan species were identified. Two genera with two species are new: Lenapora pulchra n. g. n. sp. and Dissotrypa sincera n. g. n. sp. Furthermore, 15 new species were described: Fistuliphragma parva n. sp., Sulcoretepora moderata sp. n., Leioclema crassiparietum n. sp., Eridotrypella minutiformis n. sp., E. modesta n. sp., Atactotoechus gaetulus n. sp., Acanthostictoporella angusta n. sp., Euspilopora spinigera n. sp., Acanthoclema triangularis n. sp., Rhombopora minutula n. sp., Prolixicella lata n. sp., Rhombocladia striata n. sp., Filites gaetulus n. sp., Anastomopora clara n. sp., and A. recta n. sp. Four species are described in open nomenclature: Spinofenestella sp., Hemitrypa sp., Ptylopora sp., and Semicscinium sp. The studied fauna shows relations to the Middle Devonian of Holy Cross Mountains, Poland and Rhenish Massif, Germany, as well as to the Middle Devonian of North America.