InhaltsangabePREFACE PART ONE INTRODUCTION TO POLYMER COMPOSITES ADVANCES IN POLYMER COMPOSITES: MACRO- AND MICROCOMPOSITES - STATE OF THE ART, NEW CHALLENGES, AND PPORTUNITIES Introduction Classification of Composites Interface Characterization New Challenges and Opportunities SHOCK AND IMPACT RESPONSE OF GLASS FIBER-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Introduction Analytical Analysis PlateImpact Experiments on GRPs Target Assembly Experimental Results and Discussion Summary INTERFACES IN MACRO- AND MICROCOMPOSITES Introduction Characterization of Interfaces in Macro- and Microcomposites Micromechanics-Based Analysis Interfacial Damage Modeling Summary PREPARATION AND MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES FOR MACRO- AND MICROCOMPOSITES Introduction Thermoplastic Polymer Composites Thermosetting Polymer Composites Future Trends PART TWO MACROSYSTEMS: FIBER-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES CARBON FIBERREINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES: PREPARATION, PROPERTIES, AND APPLICATIONS Introduction Backgrounds Experimental Part Results and Discussion Applications Conclusions GLASS FIBERREINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Introduction Chemical Composition and Types Fabrication of Glass Fibers Forms of Glass Fibers Glass Fiber Properties Glass Fibers in Polymer Composites Applications Summary KEVLAR FIBERREINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Introduction FiberReinforced Polymer Composites Constituents of Polymer Composites Kevlar Fiber Interface Factors Influencing the Composite Properties Surface Modification Synthetic Fiber-Reinforced Composites Effect of Fluorinated and Oxyfluorinated Short Kevlar Fiber on the Properties of Ethylene Propylene Matrix Composites Compatibilizing Effect of MA-g-PP on the Properties of Fluorinated and Oxyfluorinated Kevlar Fiber-Reinforced Ethylene Polypropylene Composites Properties of Syndiotactic Polystyrene Composites with Surface-Modified Short Kevlar Fiber Study on the Mechanical, Rheological, and Morphological Properties of Short Kevlar Fiber/s-PS Composites Effect of Oxyfluorination of Kevlar Effect of Fluorinated and Oxyfluorinated Short Kevlar Fiber Reinforcement on the Properties of PC/LCP Blends Simulation of Fiber Orientation by Mold Flow Technique KevlarReinforced Thermosetting Composites POLYESTER FIBER-REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Introduction Synthesis and Basic Properties of Polyester Fibers Polyester Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites Conclusions NYLON FIBERREINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Introduction Nylon Fibers Used as Reinforcements Matrices and Applications Manufacturing of Nylon-Reinforced Composites Conclusions POLYOLEFIN FIBER- AND TAPE-REINFORCED POLYMERIC COMPOSITES Introduction Polyolefin Fibers and Tapes PolyolefinReinforced Thermoplastics Polyolefin Fiber-Reinforced Thermosets Polyolefin Fibers in Rubbers Others Outlook and Future Trends SILICA FIBERREINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES Introduction Silica Fiber: General Features Silica FiberFilled Polymer Composites Applications New Developments Concluding Remarks PART THREE MACROSYSTEMS: TEXTILE COMPOSITES 2D TEXTILE COMPOSITE REINFORCEMENT MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR Introduction Mechanical Behavior of 2D Textile Composite Reinforcements and Specific Experimental Tests Continuous Modeling of 2D Fabrics: Macroscopic Scale Discrete Modeling of 2D Fabrics: Mesoscopic Scale Conclusions and Future Trend THREE DIMENSIONAL WOVEN FABRIC COMPOSITES Introduction General Characteristics of 3D Composites Formation of 3D Woven Fabrics Modeling of 3D Woven Composites Failure Behavior of 3D Woven Composites Role of Interlacing Loops Design of 3D Woven Composites Conclusions POLYMER COMPOSITES AS GEOTEXTILES Introduction Developments of Composite Geotextiles Hybrid Composite Geotextiles Performance Evaluation of Composite Geotextiles HYBRID TEXTILE POLYMER COMPOSITES Introduction Textile Composites Hybrid Textile Composites Hybrid Textile Joints C
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Sabu Thomas is a Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering at Mahatma Gandhi University (India). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences. Thomas has published over 430 papers in peer reviewed journals on polymer composites, membrane separation, polymer blend and alloy, and polymer recycling research and has edited 17 books. He has supervised 60 doctoral students. Kuruvilla Joseph is a Professor of Chemistry at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (India). He has held a number of visiting research fellowships and has published over 50 papers on polymer composites and blends. S. K. Malhotra is Chief Design Engineer andHead of the Composites Technology Centre at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He has published over 100 journal and proceedings papers on polymer and alumina?zirconia composites. Koichi Goda is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Yamaguchi University. His major scientific fields of interest are reliability and engineering analysis of composite materials and development and evaluation of environmentally friendly and other advanced composite materials. M. S. Sreekala is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Post Graduate Department of Chemistry, SreeSankara College, Kalady (India). She has published over 40 papers on polymer composites (including biodegradable and green composites) in peer reviewed journals and has held a number of Scientific Positions and Research Fellowships including those from the Humboldt Foundation, Germany, and Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Japan.
VOLUME 1 - MACRO AND MICRO COMPOSITES Part 1: Introduction to Polymer Composites State of the Art, New Challenges and Opportunities / Micro and Macro Mechanics of Polymer Composites / Interfaces in Micro and Macro Composites / Preparation and Manufacturing Techniques for Macro and Micro Polymer Composites Part 2: Macro Systems Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Carbon Fibre / Glass Fibre / Kevlar Fibre / Polyester Fibre / Nylon Fibre / Polyolefin Fibre / Silica Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Textile Composites 2d and 3d Woven Fabric Composites Poylmer Composites as Geotextiles Polymer Hybrid Composites Part 3: Micro Systems Micro Particle Reinforced Polymer Composites Synthesis, Surface Modification and Characterization of Micro Particulate Fillers and Flakes / Carbon Black Filled / Silica Filled / Metall Filled /Mica Filled Polymer Micro Composites Applications of Macro and Micro Filler Reinforced Polymer Composites Recovery, Recycling and Life Cycle Analysis of Synthetic Polymeric Composites