The volume assembles an interdisciplinary range of articles that look at the production, consumption and dissemination of knowledge in East Asia, centering on Korea, under the paradigm of knowledge circulation. Special attention is paid to the spatial and social aspects of knowledge circulation and transformation.
Marion Eggert is professor of Korean Studies at Bochum University (Germany). She has published on Korean and Chinese literature, especially travel literature and intellectual history, as well as on literary and intellectual transactions within East Asia. Felix Siegmund currently teaches Chinese history at Bochum University. He researches on military knowledge in northern East Asia in the 17th century and has published on Korean agrarian history and on Manchu translations. Dennis Würthner is a researcher and lecturer for Korean Studies at Bochum University. His research interests include the modes and forms of pre-modern literary transformation of Korean texts.
Contents: Marion Eggert: Circulation of Knowledge as Theme and Method in Korean Studies – Felix Siegmund/Dennis Wuerthner: Knowledge as a Subject of East Asian History – Burglind Jungmann: Early Chosŏn Painting, Social Reorganization, and the Knowledge of Chinese Literati Arts – Felix Siegmund: The Circulation of Military Knowledge and its Localization. Some Notes on the Case of Military Techniques in Late Chosŏn Korea – Kang Seok Hwa: A Study on the Assimilation of Qing Military Technology in Chosŏn during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries – Dagmar Schäfer: Media and Migration: Qing Imperial Approaches to Technological Knowledge Circulation – Pierre-Emmanuel Roux: The Prohibited Sect of Yaso: Catholicism in Diplomatic and Cultural Encounters between Edo Japan and Chosŏn Korea (17th to 19th Century) – Marion Eggert: Text and Orality in the Early Reception of Western Learning within the Namin Faction. The Example of Sin Hudam’s .