This book provides case studies on extracurricular activities and informal schooling processes among pupils in historical European educational contexts. It also provides the reader with empirical, methodological and theoretical input to facilitate future research on this as yet neglected area in the field of educational history.
Anna Larsson is Associate Professor of the History of Science and Ideas at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Umeå University (Sweden). Björn Norlin is a researcher in History at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Umeå University (Sweden). Both are members of the Umeå Research Group for Studies in History and Education.
Contents: Anna Larsson / BjContents: Anna Larsson / Björn Norlin: Introduction: Taking Pupils into Account in Educational History Research – Sian Roberts: «It is Better to Learn than to be Taught»: Pupil Culture and Socialization in The Hazelwood Magazine in the 1820s – Esbjörn Larsson: Karlberg as a Total Institution: The Royal Swedish War Academy in the 1800s – Björn Norlin: The Nordic Secondary School Youth Movement: Pupil Exchange in the Era of Educational Modernization,1870-1914 – Marieke Smit: School Culture at Fons Vitae: Capturing Pupil Experiences in a Dutch Catholic Girls School, 1914-40 – Anna Larsson: Remembering School: Autobiographical Depictions of Daily School Life in Sweden, 1918-80 – Joakim Landahl: Simulating Society: The Norra Latin Summer Residence in Stockholm, 1938-65 – Emmanuel Droit: Between Identity and Stigmatization: The Socialization of East Berlin Pupils in the 1950s.