The 1,067 (700 medieval) manuscripts held by the University Library of Innsbruck have long needed a published catalogue that meets today's demands. After extensive preparatory work, a series of catalogues is being published according to the guidelines of the Commission for Paleography and Codicology of Medieval Manuscripts in Austria of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. As were the previous four volumes (1987, 1991, 1999, 2005), the fifth volume (Cod. 401–500) has been sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and prepared under the direction of Dr. Walter Neuhauser (former director of the University of Innsbruck Library). The cataloguing is arranged by signatures and therefore this volume also displays a great deal of variety, formal as well as textual. In addition to a number of precious illustrated manuscripts (e.g. Cod. 469, a Gothic bible of French origin; Cod. 471, Vergil, Ferrara, 15th cent.; Cod. 484, a gospel of the 10th cent.), most of the manuscripts deal with theological topics, including patristic and scholastic texts, unedited collections of sermons, etc.