This volume invites the reader to participate in a discussion about how to conceptualize the mediation of difference in localities of diversity and transcultural spaces via the analytical lenses of 'translation' as a social practice. The contributions to the volume explore, discuss, and theorize 'translation' as a pre-institutionalized strategy of conflict resolution and conflict transformation as well as a driving force of cultural and social change and as a means of knowledge Production. In addition to mistranslations and untranslatabilities, the authors analyze the politics of literary translation and translation as research-creation. Contributors: Alex Demeulenaere (Trier), Stefan Dixius (Trier), Jean Friesen (Winnipeg), Ute Heidmann (Lausanne), Julia Charlotte Kersting (Saarbrücken), Judith Lamberty (Saarbrücken), Ursula Lehmkuhl (Trier), Laurence McFalls (Montréal), Geneviève Robichaud (Montréal), Robert Schwartzwald (Montréal), Madeleine Stratford (Gatineau).
Waxmann Verlag GmbH
Werner Heckel
Steinfurter Straße 555
DE 48159 Münste
Alex Demeulenaere is lecturer ("Akademischer Oberrat") in Romance Languages and literatures at Trier University. He is an expert in the field of (post)colonial and (post)national literatures in francophone cultures (France, Belgium, Africa, Canada), translation studies, travel narrative and literary theory (Said, de Certeau). In his dissertation (Leuven 2007), he analyzed the narrative ethos and the construction of scientific credibility in French colonial travel narratives using the conceptual lenses of discourse analysis and enunciation studies. As a member of the IRTG "Diversity" his current research - a diachronic case study of national and postnational Quebec literature - is based on the same framework (i.e. posture). He has gained considerable teaching experience at the Universities of Leuven and Trier. In cooperation with Saarland University he has organized multidisciplinary seminars; he is in charge of a masters' seminar on interculturality and literature at the University of Luxembourg.