Shaman as superstar: Jim Morrison and Joseph Beuys styled themselves as indigenous religious specialists. How did it come to this? This question marks the start of a thrilling historic journey along the formative paths of the concepts 'artist' and 'shaman', these being discursively intertwined in astonishing ways. It leads to a detail-rich analysis of the highly individual and creative manner in which both artists appropriated the figure of the shaman along with its semantic context and integrated it into their works, introducing an unfamiliar perspective on central epistemological questions of ethnology.
transcript Verlag
Gero Wierichs
Hermannstraße 26
DE 33602 Bielefeld
»Glänzende ethnologische Studie.«
»Wer eine gelungene Magisterarbeit lesen möchte, die ihm einen ersten Eindruck von der diskursiven Entwicklung der Figuren des Schamanen und des Künstlers in der westlichen Gesellschaft vermittelt, anregendes Material zu Jim Morrison und Joseph Beuys liefert und zur vertiefenden Beschäftigung ermuntert, dem sei das Buch empfohlen.«