Recent cooperative housing projects in Zurich have become icons of architectural design internationally. But what makes innovation in nonprofit housing possible within a largely for-profit real estate market? What has enabled Zurichs lasting commitment to nonspeculation for more than one hundred years? How does built architecture partake in these processes and how does its partaking expand the definition of architecture? Cooperative Conditions answers these questions in a systematic investigation of eight conditions that have allowed Zurichs cooperative housing to thrive under the principles of public benefit, or Gemeinnützigkeit . By analyzing specific financial and regulatory instruments, their history, and their intersection with the built environment, this primer shows that the exceptional quality in Zurichs cooperative housing is possible because of, not despite, the commitment to nonspeculation.
gta Verlag ETH Zürich
Ursula Bein
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
CH 8093 Zürich
GVA Gemeinsame Verlagsauslieferung Göttingen GmbH & Co. KG
Carsten Schlieker
Postfach 2021
DE 37010 Göttingen
Anne Kockelkorn ist Assistant Professor of the History and Theory of the City and the Architecture of Urban Housing an der Universität Gent.