Crisis, Risks and New Regionalism in Europe
Emergency Diasporas and Borderlands
Sandten, Cecile / Gualtieri, Claudia / Pedretti, Roberto / Kronshage, Eike
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Acknowledgements 9
Crisis, Risks and New Regionalisms in Europe:
Emergency Diasporas and Borderlands 11
Making Culture Matter, Making Culture Political 27
Against 'Populism': Protest and Power in a Postpolitical Age 47
Intellectuals, where are you?
The Crisis of Europe and the Voice of the Intellectuals 61
Urban Riots and "Paper Riots":
Elements for a Critical Discourse Analysis 75
Teaching as Cultural Practice:
The Pedagogy of Cultural Studies in Italy 91
The Pedagogy of Borders: Teaching and Learning
Between the Classroom and the Streets 107
Unmapping Maps: Borders, Territories and the Crisis of Identity 119
Mediatized Migration in Handcrafted Objects: Media Solutions
Through the Eyes and Hands of Refugees in Chemnitz, Germany 133
Archives of the Present: How to Represent
Nigerian Motherhood in Italy 149
Quality of Life in Times of Population Decline
and Economically Challenging Conditions:
What Can We Learn from Civil Society? The Chemnitz Example 165
Street Art: Raising Social Awareness, Globally? 179
'Crisis of Culture': Towards a Transcultural Africa-Europe Paroemiology 195
The Border Spectacle and the Dramaturgy of Hope
in Anders Lustgarten's
Stuck in Limbo? The Politics of Departure, Arrival and Acculturation
in "Fictions of Asylum"
for Children and Young Adults 237
Challenging Dominant Discourses of Risk and Crisis:
Verbatim Drama and the 2011 British Riots 255
Reading Crisis Through Affect: Sarah Hall's
(2009) 273
Narrative Strategies of Representing the Environmental
Crisis in Ian McEwan's
Gone to the Dogs (Madame) 305
Manakarnika Ghat 319
انتظار /Waiting 331
The Time for/of Cultural Studies 353
Notes on Contributors 357