Book Gifts and Cultural Networks from the 14th to the 16th Century
Müller-Oberhäuser, Gabriele / Müller-Oberhäuser, Gabriele / Hudson, Anne / Hutchison, Ann / Graßnick
Erschienen am
Gabriele Müller-Oberhäuser (Münster):
Introduction: Book Gifts and Cultural Networks
I) Practices of Book-Giving: Secular and Sacred
Anne Hudson (Oxford):
The Book as Dangerous Gift? The Evidence of ›Heretical‹ Texts in England
Ann Hutchison (Toronto):
Gifting and Circulation of Devotional Works in Syon Abbey and Its Community
Ulrike Graßnick (Trier):
Mirrors for Princes as Book Gifts in Late Medieval England
Daniel Glowotz (Münster):
Representation – Papal Homage – Discussion of Reform: Aspects of the Roman A Cappella Masses in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century and Their Transmission in Choir Books
Jan Hirschbiegel (Kiel):
Gift Exchange at the French Courts around 1400: Manuscripts as Gauges of Social Relations?
Hanno Wijsman (Leiden):
Book Gifts at the Burgundian-Habsburgian Court
James Carley (Toronto):
»Deditissimus seruus«: Jean Mallard's Book Presentations to Francis I, Henry VIII and Others: Their Form and Function
Gabriele Müller-Oberhäuser (Münster):
Au Roy Vrayement Chrestien, Edvard: Book Gifts to Edward VI
Jane Lawson (Atlanta):
Gift Books for Queen Elizabeth I: Court Ceremony vs. the Printing House
II) Book Gifts and Cultural Networks: Concepts and Case Studies
Tobias Budke (Münster):
Introduction: Cultural Networks of the Past
Kerstin Meyer-Bialk (Münster):
Christine de Pizan's Epistre Othea and the Network of Stephen Scrope and Sir John Fastolf
Hayrie Salish (Münster):
Chronicles and Genealogies during the Wars of the Roses
Torsten Wieschen (Münster):
Humanist Printing Networks: The Thomas More Circle and John Rastell
Tobias Budke (Münster):
Re-Forming Connections: Evangelicals and their Book Gifts between England and Europe
Janika Bischof (Münster):
Petruccio Ubaldini and Network Analysis: Historical Uses for a Modern Concept
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