Aryasuras Jatakamala, Teil 1
Philologische Untersuchungen zu den Legenden 1 bis 15. Teil 1: Einleitung, Textausgabe, Anhänge, Register
Hanisch, Albrecht
Erschienen am
01.01.2005, 1., Aufl.
The first critical edition of Āryasūra’s masterwork (before 400 CE) that makes use of all the known sources: the Central Asian fragments, the two oldest Sanskrit manuscripts, secondary Sanskrit sources of Āryaśūra’s legends, the fragment of an anonymous Ṭīkā, the masterly Tibetan translation, the Tibetan translations of Dharmakīrti’s Ṭīkā and Vīryasiṃha’s Pañjikā. The first volume contains an introductory study that touches all the aspects of the task and the new text of legends 1 through 15; the second volumes contains a detailed commentary that explains all the editorial decisions. This new edition completely replaces Kern’s edition.