Question: Is it possible to speak of the non-existence of what is labelled "Europe", "Woman" or "Digital Medium" and does this open up new perspective and policies? The project do not exist is designed to examine his concept and experiment with it.
The book presents outcomes of the do not exist conference on europe, woman, digital medium (Bremen 2006) and the two exhibitions [open] spaces, states of political and media space exhibited (Bremen 2007) and eastwest se/x (Cologne 2007).
Contributors: Susanne Bauer, Ulrike Bergermann, Silvia Biagi, Ursula Biemann, Christine Blättler, Pauline Boudry, Anna Daucikova, Simona Forconi, Marina Grzinic, Christine Hanke, Shirin Homann-Saadat, Karin Jurschick, Dagmar Kase, Ivika Kivi, Malgorzata Kozlowska, Christine Kriegerowski, Brigitta Kuster, Maja Linke, Renate Lorenz, Susanne Lummerding, Nanna Lüth, Karin Michalski, Olga Mink, Miglena Nikolchina, Helene von Oldenburg, padeluun, Irena Paskali, Claudia Reiche, Angela Sanders, Mona Schieren,, Andrea Sick, Judith Siegmund, Hanna Smitmans, Rena Tangens, Christoph Tempel, Susanne Tönsmann, Sonja Vuk, Kea Wienand, Tanja Zimmermann, Audrone Zukauskaite
gender studies and media art: however, the attempt has not yet
been made to bring these different concepts together and into
confrontation with each other. Our challenge is to perform
this in full recognition of a female perspective, allowing the
necessarily paradoxical querying of the non-existence of
woman from a female point of view.