Determination of the complex amplitude of monochromatic light from a set of intensity
measurements, without using interference based methods, is often referred to as phase
retrieval. Within this approach, recovering the phase can be stated as an inverse
problem, where the measured intensities represent the observed impact which has been
caused by an unknown set of phase values. In regard to the state of the art, solutions
of this inverse problem have been treated, so far, in two different ways; deterministic
and iterative. These ways have certain disadvantages which limit their applicability
to special cases. For example, the requirement of a priori knowledge about the wave
field in deterministic approaches and on the other hand iterative methods do always
converge but the physical correctness of the result is not assured.
The aim of the present study is to develop a method which uses the physical properties
of the light wave as boundary conditions for setting up a kind of iterative process
in order to overcome these current problems in phase retrieval. Different to current
iterative approaches each mathematical step, i.e. the start condition, the propagation
between the planes and the assessment of the results, is going to be determined by
applying equations derived from the wave equation. This means to involve the physical
properties of light in each step. It is the aim to be able to retrieve the entire
monochromatic light field’s complex amplitude from experimentally measured intensities.
The new process combines the advantages of the deterministic methods, i.e.
deterministic and physically correct results, and the robustness as well as the less
complex mathematical structure of the iterative methods while eliminating their respective
drawbacks. Eliminating the current need of a priori knowledge about the
wave field in deterministic approaches a new flexibility in phase retrieval is obtained,
which allows to extract the higher degree of physical information from the intensity
of the wave field. Based on this method, the complex amplitude of diffusely scattered
monochromatic light is experimentally determined. In comparison to the current phase
retrieval methods only four intensity measurements, like in common temporal phase
shifting, are required and additionally provides faster convergence.