Why we need the public, public space and public buildings
Baum, Martina/Vogl, Markus/Haußmann, Felix et al
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Cities are places characterized by diversity. This diversity is one of the keys to meeting the great challenges of humankind in a creative way. How can passive consumers become active creators? Where are the places in which the social wealth of a city can serve as a fertile medium for participation, creation, and collaboration? The Täglich, as a public, inclusive building, has a proposal to make. It picks up on the latest discourses in a range of disciplines, and it maps out both conceptually and spatially a new type for interaction, for debate in society, and for the production of the city. This is a place for participation and active democracy in urban daily life; it is at the same time both a space of possibilities and critical urban infrastructure.
Trierer Str. 64
DE 99423 Weima