An inexorable, fundamental, and deepest suspicion about ourselves that is more and more gaining worse and worse control of us Europeans and that could easily confront coming generations with the terrifying Either /Or: Either abolish your reverences or - yourselves! The latter would be nihilism; but would not the former also be - nihilism? Friedrich Nietzsche
Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH
Frau Susanne Bierwirth
Ellernstr. 1
DE 99734 Nordhausen
Introduction: Beyond Nihilism?
Paul van Tongeren
1. Is Nietzsche a Philosopher?
Adriaan T. Peperzak
2. Tugend, Grausamkeit und Empathie
Jean-Pierre Wils
3. Nietzsche's Challenge,Virtue Ethics and Hermeneutics
Marcel Becker
4. Living with Nihilism
Vasti Roodt
5. Orientation within Nihilism
Werner Stegmaier
6. Nihilism and Fiction
Frank Chouraqui
7. Resisting Nihilism
Herman Siemens
8. Dem Nihilismus entkommen
Oswaldo Giacoia jr
9. Ist die Wahrheit ein Weib?
Gerard Visser
10. A Hermeneutics of Attestation
Gert-Jan van der Heiden
11. What Does Nihilism Deny?
James E. Faulconer
Postscript: Concluding Comments and Questions
Paul van Tongeren