Von Elephantine bis Ugarit
Festschrift für Hanna Jenni
Gautschy, Rita / Grütter, Nesina / Müller, Matthias
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The festschrift "From Elephantine to Ugarit" is published following the symposium held in honor of Hanna Jenni on 12-13. April 2019 in Basel. The symposium and the present volume, which has been expanded to include further contributions, reflect the great diversity of Hanna Jenni's research interests. The contributions encompass Egyptological, Coptological, Hebrew and Semitic topics; among others: the Khoiak festival in the temple of Karnak in the time of Amenhotep III (R. Gautschy); acts of naming in the biblical story of creation (B. Puvaneswaran); Proverbs 22.17–24.22 as Hebrew wisdom teaching from ancient Juda (M. Saur); and politeness in Coptic culture (M. Müller).