The volume contains the past and present story of Anthropos Institute, which grew around the journal Anthropos and its founder Wilhelm Schmidt. The book is divided into three sections. The first outlines the history of the Institute, presents the early co-workers of Schmidt, gives an insiders perspective on the development of the journal and opens a new look at Schmidts leading concept. Section two introduces various local outreach efforts of the Institute in Japan, India, Brazil, Ghana and Papua New Guinea. Finally, some members present their current work. The collection is complemented by an outsiders assessment of the Institutes engagement. The Appendix includes a list of all the members of the Institute. With contributions Thomas Bargatzky, Bhaskar Das, Othmar Gächter, A. Joshua Gariba, Philip Gibbs, Stanislaw Grodz, Robert Kisala, Sebastian M. Michael, Roger Vanzila Munsi, Piotr Nawrot, Jacek Jan Pawlik, Bernd Pflug, Joachim G. Piepke, Darius J. Piwowarczyk, Hsaw Reh, Alexander Rödlach, Michael A. Rynkiewich, Roger Schroeder and Hugh Truempi.
Academia Verlag Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
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DE 76530 Baden-Baden