Body and religion are closely linked. The human body, which is the most direct level of human experience, is used to express and project religious ideas. For example, ablutions, head coverings, gender roles and body modifications are often religiously charged and integrated into a religious frame of reference. Deities are presented with human bodies (or not) and the relationship between body and spirit is illuminated. This volume brings together contributions from a conference organised by the Münster Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" and brings together various disciplines from the humanities and social sciences that address the topic from a global and time-spanning perspective. With contributions by Botaina Azouaghe - Kurt(-Otto) Bayertz - Wolfram Drews - Nikolas Funke - Regina Grundmann - Ulla Kreilinger - Eva-Bettina Krems - Clemens Leonhard - Achim Lichtenberger - Angelika Lohwasser - Christoph Markschies - Ines Michalowski - Manuel Pachurka - Perry Schmidt-Leukel - Rüdiger Schmitt - Romedio Schmitz-Esser - Dorothea Schulz - Dina Serova - Holger Strutwolf - Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf - Karin Westerwelle
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