This work studied the impact of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFS) on Nigerian economic growth from 1981 - 2018. Specifically, it verified the impact of non-oil revenue on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) using exchange rate as moderating variable. It adopted ex-post-facto research design. The historical data was sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) official website and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) website. It also exployed co-integration test considering the assumption tests of classical regression and correlation analysis like unit root and collinearity tests. The findings revealed that in the short-run, there is a negative and significant deviation from the long-run equilibrium due to misappropriation of SWFS, while SWFS and external reserves impact on GDP in the long-run with capital expenditure being favourable to GDP. Hence, it was recommended among other things that all the Federal Government revenue leakages and conduit pipes should be blocked and the officers made to render returns to the Federal purse to eradicate inadequacy of sovereign fund.
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Peters Sebastian Ogugua Okafor has B.Sc, Msc in Finance, MBA in Banking and Finance, TTC in Business education and ASCON in Administration. Also among his credentials is CPA in accounting and has authored three text books and many journals. He has over 13 years lecturing experience and at the verge of concluding his PhD Program in finance.