r ed Algae in Genome Age book most people reading this book have childhood memories about being enthralled at the beach with those rare and mysterious living forms we knew as seaweeds. We were fascinated at that time by their range of red hues and textures, and most of all, their exotic beauty. t o a scientist, red algae represent much more than apparent features. t heir complex forms have attracted morphologists for centuries; their intricate life cycles have brought more than one surprise to plant biologists familiar only with ferns and fowering plants; their unusual tastes have been appreciated for mill- nia, and their valuable chemical constituents have been exploited for nearly as long, most recently by biotech companies; their diversity in marine, freshwater, and t- restrial environments has offered centuries of engaging entertainment for botanists eager to arrange them in orderly classifcation systems; still, the red algae continue to teach us how many more challenges need to be overcome in order to understand their biodiversity, biological functions, and evolutionary histories.
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Introduction, J. Seckbach and D.J. Chapman. Foreword, J. Lopez-Bautist.Acknowledgements. List of authors and their addresses.PART 1: ORIGIN AND EVOLUTIONThe Chloroplast Division Machinery: Origin and Evolution, S.-Y. Miyagishim and H. NakanishiEvolutionary History and Taxonomy of Red Algae, Yoon, H. S. et al.PART 2.: GENERAL STUDIES OF RHODOPHYTAInvasive and Alien Rhodophyta in the Mediterranean and Along the Israeli Shores, R. Hoffman and Z. DubinskyThe Extreme Environments of Porphyra, A Fast Growing and Edible Red Marine Macroalga, A. IsraelInvestigations on Reproductive Affinities in Red Algae, M. Kamiya and J.A. WestTaxonomic Revisions of Freshwater Rhodophyta in Recent Years, S. KumanoDevelopments In Biotechnology Of Red Algae, C.R.K. Reddy et alPART 3: GENOMIC STUDIES AND BIOTECHNOLOGYPorphyra: Complex Life Histories in a Harsh Environment: P. umbilicalis, an intertidal red alga for genomic analysis, E. Gantt et alUtilizing Red Algae to Understand a Neurodegenerative Disease, M.S. Gentry et alCoordination of Nuclear and Plastid Gene Expression in Red Algae and Green Plants, M. Hanaoka and K. TanakaPlastid Evolution and the Nuclear Genomic a¿¿Footprint¿ of Red and Green Algal Endosymbionts, J.F. Hopkins and J.M. ArchibaldRed Microalgae: From Basic Know-How to Biotechnology, M. Lapidot et alRed Algal Genomics: A Synopsis, J.M. Lopez-BautistaBangiophytes: from One Class to Six; Where Do We Go From Here? Moving The Bagnio-Phytes Into The Genomic Age, K. M. Müller et al.Genomic Contributions to Understanding the Evolution of Red Algal Plastids and Pigment Biosynthesis, B.A. NeilanHow Have Genome Studies Improved Our Understanding of Organelle Evolution and Metabolism in Red Algae? J.A. RavenComputational Gene Prediction In Eukaryotic Genomes, M. StankePART 4: CYANIDIAOverview on Cyanidian Biology, J. SeckbachThe Cyanidiales: Ecology, Biodiversity, and Biogeography, R.W. Castenholz and T.R. McDermottMechanisms of Acido-Tolerance and Characteristcs of Photosystems in an Acido- and Thermophilic Red Alga, Cyanidium Caldarium, I. Enami et al Redox-Modification of Chloroplast Enzymes In Galdieria Sulphuraria: Trial-And-Error In Evolution Or Perfect Adaptation to Extreme Conditions? N. König et alThe Thermo-Acidophilic Cyanidiophyceae (Cyanidiales), V. Reeb and D. BhattacharyaChilean Cave Cyanidiu, A. Azúa-Bustos and R. Vicuña PART 5: BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGYLow Molecular Weight Carbohydrates in Red Algae-An Ecophysiological and Biochemical Perspective, A. Eggert and U. KarstenRed Algal Defenses in the Genomics Age, F. Weinberger and P. PotinPART 6: OUTLOOK AND SUMMARYSummary, Final Comments and Conclusions, J. Seckbach and A. IsraelOrganism Index. Subject Index. Author Index.