The European Union’s internal market is the «hard core» of integration and by far its most precious asset. However a number of deep-seated factors have impeded the development of a systematic and wide-ranging academic research programme dedicated to the internal market. The purpose of this book is to begin to address this predicament with a tri-disciplinary analysis of the internal market, as scant opportunities for mutual understanding and learning across disciplines (law, economics and politics) currently exist. Internal market scholars from all three disciplines collaborated on this project, in which each chapter was read and critiqued by a scholar from a different discipline. The editors trust that this unique exercise reveals to many readers the enormous potential for in-depth and continuous analysis of the internal market and all that it entails. It also provides an accessible text for students and scholars from all three disciplines interested in the internal market.
The Editors: Jacques Pelkmans is Director and Jan Tinbergen Chair for European Economic Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges and Chair on Business and Europe at the Vlerick School of Management, Leuven/Gent. Dominik Hanf is Professor of European Law at the College of Europe in Bruges and Director of the European Interdisciplinary Studies Programme at the College of Europe in Natolin (Warsaw). Michele Chang is Professor in the Department of European Political and Administrative Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges.
Contents: Jacques Pelkmans/Michele Chang/Matteo Negrinotti: Introduction, Purpose and Structure – Jacques Pelkmans: Economic Concept and Meaning of the Internal Market – Dominik Hanf: Legal Concept and Meaning of the Internal Market – Susanne K. Schmidt: The Internal Market seen from a Political Science Perspective – Arjan Lejour: Economic Aspects of the Internal Market for Services – Vassilis Hatzopoulos: Legal Aspects of the Internal Market for Services – Peter Holmes: The External Dimension of the Internal Market. An Economic Perspective – Roland Klages: Promoting EU Interest at a Global Level – Sieglinde Gstöhl: The Internal Market’s External Dimension. Political Aspects – Michelle Egan: The Emergence of the US Internal Market – François Vaillancourt: Canada’s Internal Markets. Legal, Economic and Political aspects.