Learn the secrets for becoming the inspirational coach everyone is waiting for
Think about the coaches youve had throughout your life. Most likely, some were good, others not so good. Maybe one or two were great. One thing is undeniable: Coaches can influence your life in ways that can be negative or positive. A coach can either build you up or tear you down. The world needs better coaches in all walks of lifeif youre a parent, a teacher, a co-worker, or a leader, you are also a coach. Which kind of coach do you want to be?Coach to Coach helps you answer this question and shares the secrets to bringing out the best in a person, both on and off the field.
For more than twenty years, author Martin Rooney hascoached professional sport stars, Olympic champions, and business leaders to high levels of performance, analyzing thousands of real-life examples of what works and what doesnt. Reading like a simple parable, this engaging book gives you an easy-to-use yet highly effective formula for becoming a better coach for your teams, in your business, and in your personal life. Packed with valuable insights and expert advice, this appealing book helps you:
Learn how to be a great leader by being a great coachCreate positive lives for your children and the people you work withInspire and motivate the people around youTurn your natural skills and talents into your own unique coaching styleUse proven, time-tested coaching strategies to get results
Coach to Coach: An Empowering Story About How to Be a Great Leaderis an ideal book for coaches, leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, educators, parents, and anyone wanting to bring out the best in those around them.
MARTIN ROONEY is on a mission to make better coaches. He is a former U.S. bobsledder, Division I track athlete, and creator of Training for Warriors. He has consulted for Fortune 500 companies, including Nike and Prudential; coached the N.Y. Giants and N.Y. Jets; and instructed military organizations such as the Army Rangers and Navy SEALs. Having trained NFL, UFC, MLB, NBA, and Olympic athletes, Martin learned the most from coaching middle and high school teams.