Here, the fundamental question of the nature of prophecy itself is addressed!
There is a longstanding scholarly debate on the nature of prophecy in ancient Israel. Until now, no study has based itself on the semantics of the Hebrew lexeme nābîʾ (“prophet”). This investigation discusses the nature and function of prophecy in the corpus of the Hebrew book of Jeremiah. It analyses all occurrences of nābîʾ in Jeremiah and performs a close reading of three primary texts, Jeremiah 1:4–19, 23:9–40 and 27:1–28:17. The result is a detailed explanation of how prophecy works, and what it meant to call someone a nābîʾ in ancient Israel.
This is the first study of prophecy in ancient Israel that is based on the semantics of the Hebrew lexeme nābîʾ (“prophet”). Using the book of Jeremiah as its corpus, it explains how prophecy works.