The volume is about culture and language of the two largest Jewish Diaspora groups, Sephardim and Ashkenazim. Analyzing the latest European research tendencies, questions concern the historical, social and cultural contact with non-Jewish environment, problems of Jewish identity, the condition of languages in both groups and Jewish anthroponymy.
Andrzej Kątny is Full Professor at the Institute of German Philology at the University in Gdańsk (Poland). His research interests include German linguistics, contrastive studies and contact linguistics. Izabela Olszewska is Assistant Professor at the same institute. Her scientific focus lies on language and culture of Ashkenazi Jews and contact linguistics. Aleksandra Twardowska is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Slavic Philology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland). Her academic interests involve the language, culture and history of Balkan Jews, Jewish and Slavic anthroponymy, and Balkan languages.
Contents: Andrzej Kątny/Izabela Olszewska/Aleksandra Twardowska: Preface: Ashkenazim and Sephardim. A European Perspective – Andrzej Kątny/Izabela Olszewska/Aleksandra Twardowska: Vorwort: Aschkenasim und Sephardim. Eine europäische Perspektive – Krinka Vidaković-Petrov: The Ashkenazi-Sephardi Dialogue in Yugoslavia 1918-1941 – Milica Jakóbiec-Semkowowa: Sarajevo’s Sephardim and Ashkenazim in a Literary Mirror of Their Own and Foreign Authors – Maia Daltcheva: Sephardic Jews in Bulgaria - 1330 Years of Coexistence – Rafael Arnold: Postumer Kulturkontakt - Aschkenasische und sephardische Sepulkraltraditionen auf dem Jüdischen Friedhof in Venedig – Magdalena Sitarz: Jiddische Literatur und Kultur in der deutschsprachigen Presse vom ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts – Izabela Olszewska: Ostjuden vs. Westjuden. Zu den kulturellen Differenzen innerhalb des europäischen Judentums am Beispiel der Flugschrift von Nathan Birnbaum (1916) – Joanna Lisek: Orthodox Yiddishism in Magazine in the Context of Religious Jewish Feminism in Poland – Susanne Marten-Finnis: Staatliche Zensur, Selbstzensur und Mehrsprachigkeit in der jüdischen Presse Russlands (1804-1906) – Zofia Abramowicz: The Role of the Name in the Identification of Jews in the Podlasie in the 16th-20th Centuries – Aleksandra Twardowska: The Characterization of Male Names among the Sephardi Jews in Sarajevo – Mohamed El-Madkouri Maataoui: Die Hakitía zwischen Ursprung und Wiederaufbau – Paloma Díaz-Mas/Pilar Romeu Ferré: Being Multilingual: Judeo-Spanish as a Homeland in the Diaspora as Reflected in Jewish Sephardic Memoirs – Agnieszka August-Zarębska: The Representations of and Their Function in Contemporary Judeo-Spanish Poetry – Alla Kozhinova/Alena Sourkova: Polyglossia of the and Its Reflection in Text Structure of : On Some Problems of Jewish Translation Technique – Piotr Kallas: The Last Historian? The Wandering Jew as a Chronicler of the World.