Cultures of Computer Game Concerns
The Child Across Families, Law, Science and Industry, VerKörperungen/MatteRealities - Perspektiven empirischer Wissenschaftsforschung 23
Erschienen am
20.04.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
The same computer games are played by youth all over the world, and worldwide games become matters of concern in relation to children: worries rise about addiction, violence, education, time, and economy. Yet, these concerns vary depending upon where they are situated: in families, legal contexts, industry or science. They also play out differently across countries and cultures. This situated nature of computer game concerns is generally neglected. Not in this book: It gives a detailed mosaic of the complex and multiple everyday realities of computer game concerns in relation to children, as they are variably situated throughout society and across cultures.
transcript Verlag
Gero Wierichs
Hermannstraße 26
DE 33602 Bielefeld
Estrid Sörensen is a Professor of Cultural Psychology and Anthropology of Knowledge at the Ruhr-University Bochum. She does research within Science & Technology Studies.
Besprochen in:Choice, 56/6 (2019)
Besprochen inCHOICE, 56, 6 (2019)