As part of the initiative Vocational Education and Training 4.0 - Qualifications and Competencies of Skilled Workers for the Digitalised Work of Tomorrow launched by the BMBF and the BIBB, the question of how digital and networked technologies are currently affecting work tasks and competencies in health trades was examined. The occupation orthopaedic technician/mechanic was examined as an example. Overall, the health trade is characterised by extremely dynamic technological change, which has a lasting influence on work tasks and thus on job profiles. Many craft activities will be replaced by digital solutions, so that in the long run a large part of the work will no longer take place at the workbench, but at the digital terminal. This will require new skills such as an understanding of digital processes and interfaces, flexibility and willingness to innovate.
Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH
Magdalena Lautenschlager
Stauffenbergstr. 7
DE 51379 Leverkusen
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Leitung der Geschäftsstelle der Fachkommission nach dem Pflegeberufegesetz im Arbeitsbereich 2.6 Pflegeberufe, Geschäftsstelle der Fachkommission nach dem Pflegeberufegesetz in der Abteilung Struktur und Ordnung in der Berufsbildung im BIBB