This publication offers a comparative analysis of the public debate on the reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 in ten European Member States. The CAP has already undergone several reform processes: it has moved away from price support mechanisms to a system of direct payments, complemented by rural development policies in the so-called second pillar. However, as it becomes evident in the public debate on the reform of the CAP, different stakeholder groups take divergent views on what the objectives of a European agricultural policy should be and what instruments should be applied in order to meet these objectives. Based on country reports prepared by local experts the statements of stakeholder groups, such as governments, farmers unions, scientists or environmental non-governmental organisations, on the reform proposals of the European Commission are analysed. This analysis formed the basis for discussion at an international conference in 2012, the results of which are also presented. Important conclusions drawn from this analysis are that there is a clear need to develop a long-term strategy for the CAP and to reconsider the function of direct payments. Mit Beiträgen von: Prof. Dr. Rainer Klump, Cordula Rutz, Jörg Schramek, Prof. Dr. Winfried von Urff.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
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