This collection of articles emanates from the panel Literarische und linguistische Ansätze der Koranexegese during the 29th Deutscher Orientalistentag at Halle/Saale on October 2, 2004. The editors are especially glad that this volume brings together a variety of different approaches in the modern research on Quranic studies from Denmark, Germany, France, Israel, the Maghreb and Nigeria. Especially in times of global intercultural challenges, it is precisely this kind of scholarly exchange that is long overdue in Modern Quranic studies. This collection of articles is a vivid proof of the continued enthusiasm of philologists and Islamic researchers active in the studies of quranic language and history. Even today, scholars from all over the world still struggle for a sound understanding of Quranic phenomena such as self-referentiality, inter-textuality or poeticity. Against this background, each article of this volume represents an innovative analysis of highly controversial issues in contemporary Quranic debate.
EB-Verlag Dr. Brandt e.K.
Jägerstr. 47
DE 13595 Berlin
us dem Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Introduction Mohammed Nekroumi The Modern Qur'anic Debate: An Introduction II. Perspectives on the traditional philological Qur'an-Analysis Amidu Sanni Lahn in the Qur'an and its Literatures: Issues and Meanings in Textual Analysis and Recitational Discourse Omar Hamdan Zur Rolle frühislamischer Grammatiktheorien in der Entwicklung der koranischen Orthographie III. Modern linguistic and Semiotic theory applied to the Qur'an Interpretation Jean Butler Keywords to Interpretation. Reading Satan in Islamic Scripture Pierre Larcher Négation et rectification en Arabe Coranique: La structure ma fa'ala wa-lakin. Thomas Hoffmann The Moving Qur'an. A Cognitive Poetics Approach to Qur'anic Language Mohammed Nekroumi Koraninterpretation im Kontext intentionalistischer Rechtstheorien. Zu argumentativen und kommunikationstheoretischen Aspekten göttlicher Offenbarung in Satibis (gest. 780/1388) maqasid-Theorie IV. Modern Perspectives in Qur'anic Studies Kathrin Eith Yasar Nuri Öztürk und die Rückkehr zum Koran in der Türkei Ali Souli Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792) et son exégèse des versets de lunicité (al-tawhid)