Christopher J. Terry, BA, MA (Cantab.), PhD (Kent): Once scholar (elect) in English at Downing College Cambridge, he was from 1961 to 1964 a pupil of Dr Frank Raymond Leavis, Fellow of Downing College until 1962, as of Morris Shapira, supervisor for English Studies at Downing College. These were among the last years of "The Downing School of English" at Downing College.
During this time he co-authored a pamphlet supporting Leavis with Howard Jacobson as the main writer and Peter Jewell. The pamphlet The Ogre of Downing Castle and other stories supported Dr Leavis against C. P. Snow on the theme of the "two cultures".
These recollections go back in part to that moment.
Chris Terry has taught at the City of London School ("a Leavisite" in those days), at universities in Canada and Germany, also teaching Ethics, English and Philosophy in the German state school service, functioning in part as a school adviser on preventing drug or related misuse. He has published verse, mostly in Canada, and articles on Nietzsche, Mann and Marvell, as well as, variously, on teaching methods and eating disorders for German publications.
Having recently left Germany, he currently lives in The United Kingdom, writing, working partly in London, and partly teaching Philosophy in a Sussex college.