Lingua Aegyptia Bd. 25 (2017)
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics (Crossroads V), Berlin, February 17–20, 2016
Werning, Daniel A. / Behlmer, Behlmer / Kammerzell, Frank / Gerald, Moers / Antonio, Loprieno
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Lingua Aegyptia (recommended abbreviation: LingAeg) publishes articles and book reviews on all aspects of Egyptian and Coptic language and literature in the narrower sense:
(a) grammar, including graphemics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, lexicography;
(b) Egyptian language history, including norms, diachrony, dialectology, typology;
(c) comparative linguistics, including Afroasiatic contacts, loanwords;
(d) theory and history of Egyptian literature and literary discourse;
(e) history of Egyptological linguistics.
Marc Brose,
Das ägyptische Verb und der ägyptisch-semitische Sprachvergleich...(1-40)
Gaëlle Chantrain & Camilla Di Biase-Dyson,
Making a Case for Multidimensionality in Ramesside Figurative Language...(41-66)
Roberto A. Díaz Hernández,
Von und wn zu ne. Ein diachroner Fall der Hintergrundinformation...(67-81)
Barbara Egedi,
Two Kinds of Definiteness in Coptic...(83-99)
Roman Gundacker,
Where to Place 'Ältere Komposita'? Traces of Dialectal Diversity Among Early Toponyms and Theonyms...(101-176)
Elsa Oréal,
Nominalizations as a Source for Verbal Morphology. Grammaticalization Paths of Modality and Information Structure in Earlier Egyptian...(177-209)
Helmut Satzinger,
Second Tenses in Egyptian-Coptic and Some Other African Languages...(211-229)
Wolfgang Schenkel,
in-/= "sagt" < i(.i) in- "sagt(e), nämlich"...(231-279)
Gebhard J. Selz, Colette Grinevald & Orly Goldwasser,
The Question of Sumerian "Determinatives". Inventory, Classifier Analysis, and Comparison to Egyptian Classifiers from the Linguistic Perspective of Noun Classification...(281-344)
Nathalie Sojic,
Identifying Late Egyptian Virtual Relative Clauses...(345-372)
Elisabeth Steinbach-Eicke,
Experiencing is Tasting. Perception Metaphors of Taste in Ancient Egyptian...(373-390)
Sami Uljas,
Where to Stick an Adverbial in Earlier Egyptian...(391-414)