Lingua Aegyptia Bd. 27 (2019)

Erschienen am 01.12.2019
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783943955675
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 260
Format (T/L/B): 24.0 x 17.0 cm


Lingua Aegyptia (recommended abbreviation: LingAeg) publishes articles and book reviews on all aspects of Egyptian and Coptic language and literature in the narrower sense: (a) grammar, including graphemics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, lexicography; (b) Egyptian language history, including norms, diachrony, dialectology, typology; (c) comparative linguistics, including Afroasiatic contacts, loanwords; (d) theory and history of Egyptian literature and literary discourse; (e) history of Egyptological linguistics.


Articles Alexander Borg From Etymology to Diachrony. The Semantics of ḫwj ‘to protect’ in Old Egyptian and Bedouin Arabic (1–16) Francis Breyer Ein neues System zur graphematischen Transliteration der altägyptischen Hieroglyhenschrift (17–39) Marc Brose Zur Genese des präteritalen sḏm=f des Neuägyptischen (41–60) Jorke Grotenhuis Geographical Verbal Variation in Dendera. An Exploratory Study in Verbal Variation between East and West in Offering Texts from Graeco-Roman Temples in Dendera (61–76) Roman Gundacker Ist ḥśjw-mw „Wasserzauber“ ein ‚Älteres Kompositum‘? Untersuchungen zu einem terminus technicus der ägyptischen lingua magica (77–129) Anne Landborg Some Notes Concerning the Texts on the Two Brothers’ Coffins in Context (131–137) Carsten Peust Zum Augment neuägyptischer Verbalformen (139–164) Nina Speransky Coptic Circumstantial Periphrasis (165–181) Silvia Štubňová Where Syntax and Semantics Meet. A Typological Investigation of Old Egyptian Causatives (183–213) Sami Uljas The So-Called Prothetic i- and the sḏm-f Paradigms (215–225) Miscellanies Marc Brose Varia Addenda (227–235) Carsten Peust Nochmals zur Kataphora im Älteren Ägyptisch (237–242) Reviews Pierre Grandet, Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques non littéraires de Deîr el-Médînéh XII: Nos 10276–10405 (Matthias Müller) (243–251)

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