Th. E. Balke offers a catalogue of Old-Sumerian names. The study encompasses prosopographic features, especially professional and administrative classifications of the individuals. This classification enables the identification and differentiation of individuals using the same names and the correlation of many short names and corresponding complete forms of names. The catalogue is based on the names mentioned and listed in ca. 1.850 Old-Sumerian administrative and legal records of the 25.–24. cent. BC from Lagas (al-Hibā) and Ĝirsu (Tellō) from the archives of the é-mí “House(hold) of the ‘women’ (wife of the ruler)” and of the é-Ba-Ú “Temple of Ba’U”. In addition, personal names mentioned in pre-sargonic votive inscriptions from Lagas and in the oldest legal records have been taken into consideration.