Beiträge zur Kenntnis und Deutung altorientalischer Archivalien
Festschrift für Helmut Freydank zum 80. Geburtstag
Prechel, Doris / Neumann, Hans
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Two dozen articles are devoted to the Assyriologist Helmut Freydank. In accordance with his special field of research several focus on Assyrian, especially Middle Assyrian, and Hittite topics. Almost a monograph by itself, S. Salah offers a complete and annotated inventory of the inhabitants of Dūr-Katlimmu. Hittite and Babylonian rituals and incantations are dealt with by contributions of B. Böck, B. Christiansen and S.M. Maul. A. Schmitt provides the reader with an update on Assyrian pedestals with divine symbols (Symbolsockel). Juridical questions of Hittite, Old, Middle and Neo-Assyrian periods are debated by B. Faist, D. Prechel, D. Shibata and K.R. Veenhof.